Junior fees for the 2025 season per player are as follows:

School years 1 - 6: $90 per player. Includes socks, shorts, mouthguard and team photo.

School year 7 - 9:  $105 per per player. Includes socks, shorts, mouthguard and team photo.

Ellesmere Junior Boys - Years 10 and 11: $105 per player. Includes socks, shorts, mouthguard and team photo.

Ellesmere Intermediate Boys - Year 10s born April 2010 - Sept 2010 and all Year 11s - $150 per per player. Includes socks, shorts, mouthguard, team photo and dress shirt.

Ellesmere U18 (All year 12 & 13s) - $150 per player. Includes socks, shorts, mouthguard, team photo and dress shirt.

All players in Intermediate Boys and U18 grades are required to wear a dress shirt and tie after each game. 

A 10% discount will be applied on fees for two or more junior players from the same family.

If you wish to pay your rugby subs by internet banking, please pay into the following account using your child's name and grade as the reference:

02 0860 0019131 00

 If you require an invoice, please email jabsrfc@gmail.com to request this.